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Anatolian etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Anatolian etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

11 Ekim 2011

Cahit Berkay & Grup Zan

After 42 years in music, Cahit Berkay draws on a bounty of experience to present what happens when modern rock music collides with traditional Anatolian distilled melodies on 'Toprak'. Topak 'Masterfully Mingling the past with the Present..! 
From in Turkey
Anatolian Rock
Cahit Berkay & Grup Zan - 2006
01. Gurgula (Gökgürültüsü) 04.47
02. Azerak 05.18
03. Arda Kalan 04.42
04. Ma Vulu (Ben Gidiyorum) 04.57
05. Kardak Zeybeği 06.14
05. Mahşer-i İstanbul 04.55
06. Şeytanın Duy Dediği 05.17
07. Kafam Çok Karışık 05.59
08. Ayrılık 06.01
09. Barışa Semah 05.13
10. Yaprak Dökümü 04.27
11. Selvi Boylum Al Yazmalım 09.38
Total Time. 67.35
- Cahit Berkay / Acoustic Guitar and Electric Guitar, Baglama, Cura, Yayli Tanbur

- Zafer Sanlı / Bass Guitar
- Aydın Seref / Drums
- Nevzat Yilmaz / Keyboard (Hammond B3)
- Husnu Senlendirici / Clarinet
- Mehmet Akatay / Percussion
Mahmut Turan / Tulum

17 Nisan 2011

21. Peron - 21. Peron

From in Turkey
Anatolian / Symphonic Progressive Rock
21. Peron - 21. Peron - 1978
01. Anne (7.34)
02. 18400 TL (7.04)
03. F.M.O. (Film Muzigi Olabilir) (2.55)
04. Petruska (5.28)
05. Cocukluk Anilarim (4.22)
06. Inilti (2.48)
07. Bes (3.34)
08. Sarap Mahzeninde Gece (2.46)
09. F.M.O. II (Film Muzigi Olamadi) (3.26)
10. Arap Bebegin Dansi (5.07)
11. Anlatamiyorum (Bonus) (3.24)
12. Koy Dugunu (Bonus) (2.58)
Total Time.  51.26
- Alp Gultekin / Violin
- Andreas Wildermann / Keyboards
- Haluk Oztekin / Guitar
- Erden Erdem / Drums
- Aron Serez / Bass
- Gokhan Akcay / Bass
- Seyhan Eris / Guitar
- Halil Yildirim / Drums

The Izmir College band was formed in 1970 highly influenced by Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Who and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young and even performed Tommy at some schoolshows back in 1972. They won the Milliyet contest in 1973 with a self written tune. After that the group members changed, (due to graduating), a viola player was added and renamed their group into '21.Peron'.

Their influences expanded and included Zappa, Genesis and Gentle Giant, with still sympathy for the Anatolian rock which they continued to develop. In 1974 they did a progrock jingle for a national radio show by Umit Tuncag who supported jazz and progressive music. By 1975 they moved to an instrumental style of music with some Yes and Genesis influences, which was respected but hard to understand for the (Turkish) general public. At that time they recorded 5 tracks themselves, but it was impossible to find a label to release this. More "experimental" or progressive music from small groups outside the Altin Mikrofon contest and the Milliyet (schoolband) contest simply were not promoted.

In 1977 the group had the permission by label owners Attila Ozdemiroglu and Sanar Yurdatapan to record in a professional studio another 6 songs. The tracks had to find a more compact form and balance for the market's rules. The tapes were used once for a TRT national broadcast airplay but then were left unused ever since. In 1978 the band made live arrangements for an additional orchestra. "Petruska" was played live in a 12 minute version (rock band with orchestra), but this full version recording was not included on this album yet.

Around the same time the German band Embryo started their first world music tour (documented for the Indian & Pakistan parts afterwards on "Embryo's Reise). In Turkey they played with 21. Peron although the important part of the violin wasn't there, because Alp had to leave the band for his studies.

In 1979, just as a joke, the band suggested a song for the Eurovision song festival and won the national competition. Due to the oil crisis and threats by other Middle eastern countries, Turkey's participation in Israel was cancelled, so the band never came to it.

Only recently Arkaplan label put their old recordings together to publish the album they once had dreamed of to release.

"Anne" has a anadolu rock flavour but also includes some psych organ, wah wah guitar and violin improvisation with a developed sound, varying from a garage psych feeling, but it is definitely symphonic in its evolution. "18400 TL." is inventive with its sound, and compromises progressive rock, and bluesrock or beat rhythms, with anadolu folk and anadolu fuzz psych ideas, also in a symphonic way. Fantastic !

"F.M.O" is more experimental, improvised. Progressive music to lick your fingers to. The track was meant as an imaginary mini-soundtrack. "Petruska" is based upon Stravinski's composition, in a great progressive / chamber music rock interpretation, inventively played. Stunning ! If this version of 6 minutes is already that good I wish to hear the 12 minute version with additional arrangements !! I'm sure Stravinsky would have approved this work.

Side B starts with "Cocukluk Anilarim", a more relaxed track with a banjo-like ethno-folk instrument, electric guitars, great psych organ, violin, drums. "Inilti" and "Bes" are good symphonic tracks with much more keyboard chord input, guitars, and drums, just like various West European bands from mid seventies. "Sarap Mahzeninde Gece" has a combination of driving Anadolu elements, with heavy prog rock with refined but powerful arrangements, arranged perfectly into a progressive form. "FMO II", a bit more moody, fits perfectly here with Curved Air like violin adaptation and a bit more experimenting within improvisation (with echoed and experimental sounds, guitars, violin). Last track "Arap Bebegin Dansi" (with a Debussy theme) starts a bit different, with a more fun rhythmical moog and organ (with some dance violin) combined unexpectedly with some heavy prog rock guitars. In some way it gives another aspect of the Anadolu rock scene, reminding me of Erol Buyukburc area/story, here it still is with all its seriousness intact.

11 Şubat 2011

Moğollar - Umut Yolunu Bulur


From in Turkey
Progressive Folk Rock
Moğollar - Umut Yolunu Bulur - 2009
01. Çaya Kaç Şeker
02. Geri Sar
03. Haydarpaşa Merdivenleri
04. Yalan
05. Umut Yolunu Bulur
06. Moğol Miskeri
07. Kadınlarımız
08. Kriz Bastı
09. Bulutlar Adam Öldürmesin
10. Günler
11. Alarm
12. Uğur Mumcu Anısına

- Cahit Berkay / Elektro, Acoustic ve 12 String Guitars, Vocals (1,2,3)
- Engin Yörükoğlu / Drums
- Taner Öngür / Bas Guitar, Vocals (7,11)
- Serhat Ersöz / Keyboards
- Emrah Karaca / Vocals
- Utku Ünal /Drums
- Chorus / Yaşar Kurt, Elif Yakarçelik, Derya Petek, Emrah Karaca, Cahit Berkay (3,12)
- Bünyamin Olguncan / Percussion (4)


09 Ocak 2011

Bülent Ortaçgil - Sen

From in Turkey
Crossover Progressive Rock
Bülent Ortaçgil - Sen - 2010
01. Hiç Canım Yanmaz (4.05)
02. Denize Doğru 
03. İstediğini Yap 
04. Sen Sorumlusun 
05. Acıtır 
06. Adalar 
07. Telefon 
08. Ayrıntılar 
09. Niçin 
10. Sen - Ben 
- Bülent Ortaçgil / Guitar, Vocal
- Baki Duyarlar / Keyboards
- Cem Aksel / Drums 
- Gürol Ağırbaş / Bass Guitar
- Birol Ağırbaş / Percussion 
- Barlas Tan Özemek / Guitar

26 Eylül 2010

Nemrud - Journey of the Shaman

Journey of the Shaman 
Nemrud has been established in late 2008 in Istanbul by Mert Göçay, Harun Sönmez, Aycan Sarı, Alpaslan Altun and Adil Giyici none of who were professionally engaged in music business. Till the current formation of the group was settled there had been several changes in the composition of band members. Within this period the group, members of which are given below has started with weekly studio tests and eventually ended up with the first conceptual “Progressive Rock” album of Turkey.

Mert Göçay (Guitar – Voice Vocal)
Harun Sönmez (Percussion)
Aycan Sarı (Bas Guitar)
Özgür Kayalar (Drum)

Frank Bornemann, the founder of the Eloy, a legend Progressive Rock and a close firend of Mert Göçay band has inspired the band for the sound used in the album. Closely motinoring the processes of the band, Frank Bornemann has been volunteer for the promotion campaign of the album abroad. Nemrud’s current sound naturally shows reflections of the legendary bands like Yes, Genesis, Pink Floyd, Eloy, King Crimson, Jethro Tull and Camel, which group members had been listening for many years.
Nemrud has gone beyond the Turkish standard rock or popular line-chorus structure songs and pushed the technical and composition limits of rock music. Besides, there are classic, jazz and avantgarde components in their compositions. The album shows the general characterictics of Progressive Rock such as changing melodies and rythms, refrains from repetition, conceptual and abstract lyrics. The admiration of the band for the golden era of Progressive Rock; 70s reflects itself in the epical story used in the album.
Mert Gocay has wrote the lyrics and made the composition of “Journey of The Shaman”, 3 episodes to base the album inspired by the fantastic story about Turkish mythology written by Aycan Sari. Harun Sonmez has completed the conseptual design of the album booklet.

There are 3 songs in the album which tells the story of the pysical and spiritual journey of “Mitos”, a Shaman living in the steps of Central Asia, upon the message he received from the other world. These three songs represent the three kingdom in Shamanism belief.
According to the shamanism, there is a direct axis attaching directly the “Ground” where people live on, the “Underground” where dead people move to, and the “Sky” in spiritual meaning. This axis takes place between the middle of the ground and the middle of the sky. There are 7 layers in the underground and sky kindgoms. Any shaman to reach to the sky for any reason first has to go under to the underground, hence noone can reach up to the sky without passing through the underground.
The group is named after Nemrut, which is the place embracing the Middle of the Ground and the place that Mitos passes by while going to the Underground. This mountain is at a sacred place which is the intersection point of east and west, two worlds that mankind have been believing for hundreds of years.
The recording of “Journey of The Shaman” album has been completed fully as analog in November 2009 at Studio 18, one of the most important studios of Turkey under management of Levent Buyuk. Levent Buyuk, who has completed many successful albums so far has supported Mitos in their album for a music type that was never tried in Turkey before and provided his talents to them with regard to the compositions, recordings, mix and mastering. During the recording process, guest musicians have joined the band; Doğaç Titiz the winner of 2008 Drummer Contest with drum compositions and records, Hakan Süersan with bas and fretless bas compositions and records, Mert Topel for the whole keyboard records of the album. 

From in Turkey
Psychedelic/Space Rock
Nemrud - Journey of the Shaman - 2010
Songs / Tracks Listing
Part I : (15:50)
- a. In The World Of Dreams
- b. Beginning Of Divine Inspiration
- c. Revival
- d. A Stone In The Ocean
Part II: (12:00)
- a. A Farewell To Sun
- b. Fly To Underground Without The Past
- c. Fight With The Evil Spirits
Part III: (17:20)
- a. A Journey To Innerself
- b. Scourge Of Nemrud
- c. In All Stages Of Immortality
- d. Jump To Final Dimension Through The Seventh Sky
Total Time: 45:10
Line-up / Musicians
- Mert Göçay / guitar, vocals
- Harun Sönmez / drums, cymbals
- Aycan Sari / bass
guest musicians:
- Mert Topel / keyboards
- Hakan Süersan / bass, fretless bass
- Dogaç Titiz / drums

08 Eylül 2009

Selim Işık - Yazgı

From in Turkey
Progressive Heavy Metal
Selim Işık - Yazgı - 2005
05.Hayallerin Çocuğu
06.Yaşamdan Yana
08.Ben Kendimden Yoruldum

18 Mart 2009

Erkin Koray - Elektronik Türküler

This is the second full length album by Turkish rock star Erkin Koray, originally released by Doğan Plakcılık in 1974.
Finally given the freedom to record an album instead of being limited to 45 rpm singles, Koray and his band created an album that reflected both his Turkish roots and his love of psychedelic and progressive rock. Elektronik Türküler is widely considered to be Koray's masterpiece by many critics, and many of his subsequent releases followed in this vein, with progressive and psychedelic influences balanced by Turkish folk forms.

Erkin Koray - Elektronik Türküler - 1974
01. Karlı Dağlar (3.35)
02. Sır (2.47)
03. Hele Yar (6.19)
04. Korkulu Rüya (1.28)
05. Yalnızlar Rıhtımı (4.33)
06. Cemalim (7.42)
07. İnat (2.10)
08. Türkü (8.54)
Total Time. 37.28