Dear Proggers

I don't write or make something on this blog anymore. I starting a new blog. But there's no share about some albums, just writing. If you wants you can follow my new blog. Already greatings.

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Mist Season etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Mist Season etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

10 Nisan 2014

Mist Season - Woodlands

Jazz - Fusion
From in Finladia
Mist Season - Woodlands 2006
1. Far Away from Home (5:46)
2. Cartway across the Branches part I (4:30)
3. Daylite Sprite (4:50)
4.Cartway across the Branches part II (2:20)
5. Dance of the Miststress (4:41)
6. The Six Spruce (4:10)
7. Flowers of Asia (5:24)
8. Dawn (4:40)
9. Vexplorer (4:16)
10. Cartway across the Branches part III (5:14)
11. Woodpecker the Mocker (3:03)
12. Skyward Leafage (8:20)
13. Cartway across the Branches part IV (2:56)
14. Garden of Beruwela (5:56)
15. Tears of Woodland (9:53)