Dear Proggers

I don't write or make something on this blog anymore. I starting a new blog. But there's no share about some albums, just writing. If you wants you can follow my new blog. Already greatings.

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Seven Reizh etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Seven Reizh etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

02 Ocak 2011

Seven Reizh - Strinkadenn'Ys

Without a doubt one of the best releases in 2001, and probably the best for France that year. Full of progressive, gothic, acustic and celtic touches has a synphonic mood thru all the CD; and the female vocalist is just fantastic. To my ears Marillion/Genesis meets Oldfield/Floyd with a splendid bit of Camel...Not kidding A WINNER. Great production and sound, complement this epic in one package for you to enjoy. What are you waiting.....Go out and get it...4 Stars (Jose Gabriel)
From in France
Symphonic Progressive Rock
Seven Reizh - Strinkadenn'Ys - 2001
01. Selaou (10.20)
02. Dornskrid (3.04)
03. Sovajed a-feson (5.59)
04. Naer ar galoud (7.28)
05. Hybr'Ys (9.14)
06. Kan Kêr'Ys (6.14)
07. Liñvadenn (5.16)
08. Tad ha Mamm (8.43)
09. Enora ha Maël (4.39)
10. Intro (0.57)
11. Mall eo monet da Ys (11.44)
Total Time: 76:53
- Bleunwenn / vocals (Enora)
- Gwendall Mével / flute
- Claude Mignon / electric and acoustic guitars, keyboards
- Gérard Le Dortz / concept, design, vocals
- Konan Mével / midi Uillean pipes
- Farid Aït Siameur / vocals (Maël)
- Gurvan Mével / drums, percussion
- Olivier Carole / bass
- Bagad Penhars / arrangements
- Gwenhaël Mével / trombone, flute
- Cyril Froger / vocals
- Thierry Chassang / recording, mix, mastering