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Bunchakeze etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Bunchakeze etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

26 Eylül 2010

Bunchakeze - Whose Dream?

UK outfit BUNCHAKEZE is among the bands that can trace their history back to another time and age. In this case the time machine takes us back to London in the early 80's, and a young, promising band called Odin of London. They had good material and dedication to their art, but as live opportunities dried up Odin disbanded. A band without a venues where they can perform their material to an audience is a tad disheartening after all.

Colin Tench (guitars, synthesisers, vocals), Gary Derrick (bass, pedals) and Cliff Deighton (drums) decided to form a new band, Bun Chakeze. They met a guy who was going to rebuild his studio and he offered them studio time in return for a lot of help with building work. A great opportunity for them. All 3 of them worked very hard for many weeks and earned enough time to record an album. They started recording, even while the building was still in progress. Towards the end of the recording sessions they were joined by Joey Lugassy (vocals), and in 1985 the album was completed. No labels showed an interest at the time though, and Bun Chakeze went into a hiatus of sorts. When a remixed version were sent out in 1992 without any more interest the band went into permanent hiatus. Almost.

Fast forward some 20 years, and some of the musicians from back then, a bit wiser, somewhat older and no longer depserately working towards getting a record deal, decide that they want to preserve their old musical legacy. And perhaps give it a shot as a band again, in a somewhat more relaxed manner. With a slight name change, now using the moniker BunChakeze, they decide to release the album themselves, and even if spread all over the world a decision is made to make another attempt at the music scene. The CD is released digitally in September 2010, and plans for a physical release made before the end of the year starts crystallizing. There's even plans of adding an extra member or two to the line-up. Time will have to tell what transpires next in the long history of this band.  (progarchives)
BunChakeze official website

From in UK.
Crossover Progressive Rock
Bunchakeze  - Whose Dream?
01. Bun Chakeze (1:57)
02. Whose Dream? (4:05)
03. Walk in Paradise (6:57)
04. Handful of Rice (5:10)
05. Flight of the Phoenix (6:20)
06. Midnight Skies (6:25)
07. Long Distance Runner (6:09)
08. The Deal (7:50)
09. Bun Chakeze (reprise instrumental) (2:24)
Total time 47:17
- Colin Tench / guitars, synthesisers, vocals
- Gary Derrick / bass, pedals
- Cliff Deighton / drums
- Joey Lugassy / vocals
