Dear Proggers

I don't write or make something on this blog anymore. I starting a new blog. But there's no share about some albums, just writing. If you wants you can follow my new blog. Already greatings.

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Mindflower etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Mindflower etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

20 Şubat 2011

Mindflower - Little Enchanted Void

"Mindflower's philosophy is based upon the intention of getting back to the basics, to the true essence of simple things. It's a difficult mission to uphold when the world keeps on trying to follow standards, to be quicker, to be more technological. Even music is part of this. Its substance is often lost in rich arrangements that overwhelm the senses and make one forget the experience of slow and deep listening." [Band statement excerpt]
From in Italy
Symphonic Progressive Rock
Mindflower - Little Enchanted Void - 2009
01. Drowned Into Creation Stream (Part 1) 4:32
02. Drowned Into Creation Stream (Part 2) 3:12
03. Sinking in an Earthless Sky 4:48
04. Frail As a Star Light 4:47
05. From Your Deep Sleep 2:04
06. Linear Coil (Part 1) 4:02
07. Linear Coil (Part 2) 2:25
08. Whirling Haze 1:49
09. A Council of Ancient Fairies 4:58
10. Grand Dark Space 5:15
11. Little Paths in a Great Universe (Sentiero I) 2:01
12. Little Paths in a Great Universe (Sentiero II) 1:28
13. Little Paths in a Great Universe (Sentiero III) 1:46
14. Little Paths in a Great Universe (Night of the Bluebottle - Part One) 1:49
15. Little Paths in a Great Universe (Night of the Bluebottle - Part Two) 4:09
16. Little Paths in a Great Universe (Walking Near the Line) 4:32
17. Es Sense (You in Verse Is Me) 3:14
18. Es Sense (Shaped as Points and Lines) 2:10
19. Es Sense (Universe Is Me) 0:38
20. Es Sense (Unreal Fall Into the Point) 4:57
21. Little Paths in a Great Universe (Sentiero IV) 1:53
22. Little Paths in a Great Universe (Quartetto del Piccolo Vuoto) 2:45
23. Little Paths in a Great Universe (Mindfloating) 2:29
24. Pureline (Weir on Flow) 2:09
25. Pureline (Enddne) 2:27
26. Pureline (In Dreams of Crystal Depths) 3:47
- Fabio Antonelli / guitar
- Fabrizio Defacqz / keyboards, vocals 
- Alberto Callegari / bass
Guests musicians.
- Corrado Bertonazzi / drums
- Andrea Bassato / violin
- Carlo Barezzi / oboe
- Nello Salza / flicorn
The Matrix Quartet.
- Paolo Costanzo / violin
- Gianandrea Guerra / violin
- Lorenzo Quero / viola
- Elena Castagnola / cello