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Progressive Folk Rock etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Progressive Folk Rock etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

15 Aralık 2014

Amazing Blondel - England

From UK
Prog Folk Rock
Amazing Blondel - England
01. Seascape (6:13) 
02. Landscape (7:38) 
03. Afterglow (3:40) 
04. A Spring Air (3:41) 
05. Cantus Firmus to Counterpoint (3:21) 
06. Sinfonia for Guitar and Strings (3:11) (from the suite 'For My Ladys Delight') 
07. Dolor Dulcis (Sweet Sorrow) (3:25) 
08. Lament to the Earl of Battesford Beck (3:11) 
Total Time: 34:42
- John David Gladwin / second guitar, lead vocals, double bass, tabor, tubular bells. 
- Terence Alan Wincott / vocals, flute, recorders, harmonium, pipe organ, mellotron, bongos, assorted percussion. 
- Edward Baird / first guitar, vocals, dulcimer, twelve string guitar, percussion. 
+ Adrian Hopkins / harpsichord and string arrangements 
+ Jaque La Roche / strings conductor

21 Nisan 2014

Moğollar - Moğollar

From Turkey
Progressive Folk Rock
Moğollar - Moğollar 1976
01. Katip Arzulahim Yaz Yare Boyle
02. Bahçelere Geldi Bahar
03. Hicaz Mandira
04. Uskudara Giderken
05. Karsiki Yayla
06. Yine Bir Gulnihal
07. Sehnaz Longa 
08. Drama Koprüsü-Bolu Beyi
09. Canakkale Içinde Aynali Carsi
10. Misket
11. Özum Kaldi
12. Behind The Dark
13. Halicte Gunesin Batisi (Single Version)
14. Hitchin
15. Berkay Oyun Havasi
16. Ternek
17. Yalnizlgiin Acikli Guldurusu
18. Dag Ve Cocuk
19. Garip Coban

Cahit Berkay, Engin Yörükoglu, Michel Solobir, Romen Didier

07 Nisan 2014

Höelderlin - Höelderlin

From UK.
Progressive Folk Rock
Höelderlin - Höelderlin 1975
1. Schwebebahn (7:12) 
2. I love my dog (5:38) 
3. Honeypot (8:48) 
4. Nürnberg (3:00) 
5. Death Watch Beetle (17:32) 
Total Time: 42:10

- Michael Bruchmann / drums, percussion 
- Christian Grumbkow / acoustic & electric guitars 
- Joachim Grumbkow / keyboards, flute, string vox, clavinet, Mellotron, lead vocals (4-5) 
- Peter Käseberg / bass 
- Joachim Käseberg / guitars
- Christoph Noppeney / viola, acoustic guitar, lead vocals (2-3-5) 
- Zeus B. Held / alto sax (2)
- Norbert Jacobson / clarinet (3) 
- Conny Planck / voice & synthetizers help (5)

16 Eylül 2012

Dr. Strangely Strange - Heavy Petting

 Dr. Strangely Strange  psychedelic folk group founded in 1967 on ireland there are a total of 4 albums and guitarist Gary Moore's.

From in UK
Progressive Folk Rock
Dr. Strangely Strange - Heavy Petting - 1970
01. Ballad of the Wasps (3:22)
02. Summer Breeze (3:35)
03. Kilmanoyadd Stomp (2:41)
04. I Will Lift up my Eyes (1:50)
05. Sign on my Mind (8:19)
06. Gave my Love an Apple (6:05)
07. Jove Was at Home (2:30)
08. When Adam Delved (2:10)
09. Ashling (4:40)
10. Mary Malone of Moscow (3:52)
11. Goodnight my Friends (1:12)
Total time: 39:56
- Dave Mattacks / drums, percussion
- Johnny Moynihan / bazouki
- Jay Myrdal / glockenspiel
- Ivan Pawle / organ, bass, mandolin, guitar, bass guitar, rhythm guitar, tin whistle, human whistle, voices, vocals, keyboards, harmonium, piano
- Heather Wood / vocals
- Brendan Shields / bass guitar
- Tim Booth / banjo, vocals, voices, guitar, keyboards, harmonium, rhythm guitar, bass
- Jim Goulding / organ, fiddle, one-string fiddle, bass recorder, soprano recorder, voices, vocals, recorder, harmonium, piano
- Johnny Mounthay / bazouki
- Annie Xmas / harmonium, vocals
- Brush Shiels / bass
- Johanna / harmonium, vocals, keyboards, cover photo
- Jim Booth / banjo, bass, harmonium, voices, rhythm, vocals, guitar
- Annie Christmas / keyboards, vocals
- Tim Goulding / organ, bass recorder, voices, vocals, recorder, keyboards, fiddle, piano, violin, one-string fiddle, harmonium
- Linus / percussion, autoharp, whistle, finger cymbals, voices, vocals
- Gary Moore / guitar
- Andy Irvine / mandolin

19 Mart 2012

Saint Just - Same (Saint Just)

From in Italy
Progressive Folk Rock / Rock Progressive İtaliano
Saint Just - Same (Saint Just) (1973)
01. Il Fiume Inondò (10:43) 
02. Il Risveglio (6:16) 
03. Dolci Momenti (3:16) 
04. Una Bambina (8:02) 
05. Triste Poeta Di Corte (6:19) 
06. Saint Just (3:58) 
Total Time: 38:34
- Jenny Sorrenti / vocals 
- Antonio Verde / classical guitar, bass 
- Robert Fix / saxophone
- Mario D'Amora / piano, organ 
- Tony Esposito / drums
- Gianni Guarracino / electric guitar 


11 Ekim 2011

Cahit Berkay & Grup Zan

After 42 years in music, Cahit Berkay draws on a bounty of experience to present what happens when modern rock music collides with traditional Anatolian distilled melodies on 'Toprak'. Topak 'Masterfully Mingling the past with the Present..! 
From in Turkey
Anatolian Rock
Cahit Berkay & Grup Zan - 2006
01. Gurgula (Gökgürültüsü) 04.47
02. Azerak 05.18
03. Arda Kalan 04.42
04. Ma Vulu (Ben Gidiyorum) 04.57
05. Kardak Zeybeği 06.14
05. Mahşer-i İstanbul 04.55
06. Şeytanın Duy Dediği 05.17
07. Kafam Çok Karışık 05.59
08. Ayrılık 06.01
09. Barışa Semah 05.13
10. Yaprak Dökümü 04.27
11. Selvi Boylum Al Yazmalım 09.38
Total Time. 67.35
- Cahit Berkay / Acoustic Guitar and Electric Guitar, Baglama, Cura, Yayli Tanbur

- Zafer Sanlı / Bass Guitar
- Aydın Seref / Drums
- Nevzat Yilmaz / Keyboard (Hammond B3)
- Husnu Senlendirici / Clarinet
- Mehmet Akatay / Percussion
Mahmut Turan / Tulum

20 Eylül 2011

Dalton - Argitari

From in Italy
Progressive Folk Rock
Dalton - Argitari - 1975
01. L'Impossibile è Possibile (3:00)
02. Hai Visto Il Sole? (3:37)
03. Ho Ritrovato La Mia Donna (3:37)
04. Argitari (3:36)
05. La Risposta (4:17)
06. Visione Di Una Notte D'Estate (4:45)
07. Odiarti No (4:28)
08. La Forza Di Dio (4:07)
09. Il Vuoto (3:47)
10. La Donna E Il Bambino (4:35)
Total Time. 
- Aronne Cereda / acoustic guitar, electric guitar, lead voice
- Giancarlo Brambilla / organ, piano, moog, mellotron
- Tati Locatelli / drums and percussions
- Rino Lamonta / electric bass
- Alex Chiesa / flute and second voice
- Massimo Moretti / second voice

30 Haziran 2011

Agapanthos - Agapanthos

From in Greece
Progressive Folk Rock
Agapanthos - Agapanthos - 1976
01. Galinia (3.26)
02. Katerina (4.00)
03. Stin koultoura (2.12)
04. Oneira (3.03)
05. San Paramythi (3.29)
06. Mauromata Kopelia (4.13)
07. Leuteris (3.19)
08. Ston Ilektriko (3.08)
09. Pote Stin Dystyxia (2.44)
10. To Taxidi Tis Zois (2.47)
11. Tora (2.29)
12. Politismos (3.41)
13. Epilogos (1.39)
Total Time:  40.10
- Theodoros Trifonas / bass, vocals
- Stefanos Dekerian / guitar
- Dorian Kokkas / drums, vocals
- Haris Katsimihas / vocals

21 Mart 2011

Jethro Tull - Rock Island

From in UK
Progressive Folk Rock
Jethro Tull - Rock Island - 1989
01. Kissing Willie (3:32)
02. The Rattlesnake Trail (4:02)
03. Ears Of Tin (4:55)
04. Undressed To Kill (5:25)
05. Rock Island (6:54)
06. Heavy Water (4:12)
07. Another Christmas Song (3:32)
08. The Whaler's Dues (7:53)
09. Big Riff and Mando (5:58)
10. Strange Avenues (4:10)
Total Time: 50:33
- Ian Anderson / flute, mandolin, keyboards, acoustic guitar, drums on tracks 2 and 7, vocals
- Martin Barre / electric guitar
- Dave Pegg / bass, acoustic bass, mandolin
- Doane Perry / drums
Guest musicians:.
- Martin Allcock / keyboards on tracks 1 and 10
- Peter-John Vettese /keyboards on tracks 3, 4, 5 and 6

Jethro Tull - Christmas Album

From in UK
Progressive Folk Rock
Jethro Tull - Christmas Album - 2003
01. Birthday Card At Christmas (3:37)
02. Holly Herald (4:16)
03. A Christmas Song (2:47)
04. Another Christmas Song (3:31)
05. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (4:35)
06. Jack Frost And The Hooded Crow (3:37)
07. Last Man At The Party (4:48)
08. Wheathercock (4:17)
09. Pavane (4:19)
10. First Snow On Brooklyn (4:57)
11. Greensleeved (2:39)
12. Fire At Midnight (2:26)
13. We Five Kings (3:16)
14. Ring Out, Solstice Bells (4:04)
15. Bourée (4:25)
16. A Winter Snowscape (4:57)
Total Time: 62:51
- Ian Anderson / vocals, flute, acoustic guitars, mandolin, piccolo, percussion
- Martin Barre / electric guitar, acoustic guitar
- Andy Giddings / keyboards, accordion, bass, organ
- Doane Perry / drums, percussion on tracks 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14
- Jonathan Noyce / bass on tracks 2, 5, 9, 11, 13 and 15
Guest musicians:.
- David Pegg / mandolin on track 3 and bass guitar on track 4
- James Duncan / drums on tracks 2, 5, 9, 11, 13 and 15, and percussion on track 3
- The Sturcz String Quartet arranged by Laszlo Bencker / Gábor Csonka - 1st violin, Péter Szilágyi - 2nd violin, Gyula Benkö - viola, András Sturcz - cello, all on track 10

19 Mart 2011

The John Butler Trio - One Small Step

The John Butler Trio are an Australian folk/roots/rock band, whose freeform jamming style, which absorbs a number of traditional music styles, has built them strong reputation as live performers.
Born in US, Butler moved to Australia as a youth, where he learned to play guitar. He divided his university time between music and studies, with the former gradually taking more time until he gave up his studies completely. A self-recorded demo secured him a slot in a bar, where he polished his technique. He was joined by a drummer and a bassist for his debut John Butler, but his break came when their next release, an EP, was picked up by Australian radio station Triple J. who gave heavy play to "Pickapart".
Performing as the John Butler Trio they released their next album, Three, which made a big impact on the alternative charts. It stayed there for nine months and won them the Australian Record Industry Award for Best Independent Release.
Touring in the US, the band played at the Bonneroo and other festival events and joined with the Dave Mathews Band. They prefer playing live, improvising and jamming around their tracks, their live performance, captured on Living 2001 -2002 went platinum in their homeland. They have had crossover success i9n the form of the Grand Nationalalbum, which got to No.11 on the Billboard charts.
From in Australia
Folk Rock
The John Butler Trio - One Small Step - 2009
01. Used to Get High    
02. Treat Yo Mama    
03. Daniella    
04. Ocean    
05. Better Than
06. Zebra
07. Fire in the Sky
08. Funky Tonight

15 Mart 2011

Ergo Sum - Mixolidio

From in Chile
Progressive Folk Rock
Ergo Sum - Mixolidio - 1999
Studio tracks.
01. Nuevos Tiempos (4:02)
02. Laberinto (2:51)
03. Amistad (4:30)
04. Rosauro (4:58)
05. Tonada a la Soledad (6:13)
Live tracks from "Trilogia":
06. Power II (3:34)
07. Power III (2:41)
08. Clasicoide (6:18)
09. Power IV (3:12)
10. Sobre las Montañas (4:15)
11. Síndrome Mixolidio (3:25)
12. Rompecabeza (5:57)
Bonus tracks:
13. Ofuscado (4:04)
14. Octubre (4:33)
Total time: 60:33

- Sergio Menares / drums, symphonic percussion, keyboards
- Gonzalo Muga / drums, vibraphone, marimba, keyboards
- Juan Daniel Rios / German flute
- Alexandros Tefarikis / acoustic & electric guitars, composer
- Sebastián Torrejón / bass, composer 

12 Mart 2011

Magna Carta - Lord Of The Ages

From in UK
Progressive Folk Rock
Magna Carta - Lord Of The Ages - 1973
01. Wish It Was (3:33)
02. Two Old Friends (3:31)
03. Lord of the Ages (9:58)
04. Isn't It Funny (And Not a Little Bit Strange) (2:35)
05. Song of the Evening (3:43)
06. Father John (6:41)
07. That Was Yesterday (3:23)
08. Falkland Grene (2:49)
Total Time: 36:06
- Chris Simpson / guitar, vocals
- Glenn Stuart / vocals
- Stan Gordon / guitar, vocals
Guest musicians.
- Gordon Huntley / steel guitar
- Graham Smith / bass
- Danny Thompson / bass
- Gerry Conway / drums

11 Şubat 2011

Moğollar - Umut Yolunu Bulur


From in Turkey
Progressive Folk Rock
Moğollar - Umut Yolunu Bulur - 2009
01. Çaya Kaç Şeker
02. Geri Sar
03. Haydarpaşa Merdivenleri
04. Yalan
05. Umut Yolunu Bulur
06. Moğol Miskeri
07. Kadınlarımız
08. Kriz Bastı
09. Bulutlar Adam Öldürmesin
10. Günler
11. Alarm
12. Uğur Mumcu Anısına

- Cahit Berkay / Elektro, Acoustic ve 12 String Guitars, Vocals (1,2,3)
- Engin Yörükoğlu / Drums
- Taner Öngür / Bas Guitar, Vocals (7,11)
- Serhat Ersöz / Keyboards
- Emrah Karaca / Vocals
- Utku Ünal /Drums
- Chorus / Yaşar Kurt, Elif Yakarçelik, Derya Petek, Emrah Karaca, Cahit Berkay (3,12)
- Bünyamin Olguncan / Percussion (4)


02 Şubat 2011

Passover - Sacrifice

From in Italy
Progressive Folk Rock
Passover - Sacrifice - 2010
01. Sacrifice
02. The knife
03. The rise (Instrumental)
04. Why ?
05. The broken knife
06. Self salvation
07. Erev shel shoshanium
08. Sim shalom
09. Return again
10. Adama
11. Ale brider

Total Time. 47.12

16 Aralık 2010

Naragonia - Carabel

" ...It's pure quality, beautiful dance music, played a bit introvert.

This make their music a real pleasure to listen at home and to dance on at concerts.
Fabulous interaction between the musicians, strong duets between the two accordions, sad violin, great gaita... Naragonia is one of Belgium's best kept secrets, time to conquer the world ! " Eelco Schilder ( over Janneke Tarzan

Naragonia offers you a very personal music with lots of subtle but steady energy.
Not only the dancer, but also the listener will enjoy the universe created by this two musicians. 
Their repertoire is mainly consisting of own compositions.
Naragonia was formed in 2003 on the Andancas festival in Portugal. Quickly Naragonia becomes very popular. 
Their two cd's, very much appreciated by press and media, made their succes grow fast. 

Naragonia plays since than intensively in Belgium, The Netherlands, France and Portugal. 
Naragonia played as well several times in Ireland, Brittany, Germany, Spain and Italy.

From in Belgium
Progressive Folk Rock
Naragonia - Carabel - 2010
01. Lente in Laren / Jane's boots
02. Samen op de tractor
03. Tout le temps
04. Voor Ton en Heidrun / Jowan's
05. Kaspar en Stijn / The Griseldas / The chocolate bomb
06. So Fröhlich
07. Charlotte
08. Louis
09. Carabel
10. Olle's atelier / Vive Greg
11. -17°C
12. Couleur canard
13. Dansen in de keuken / Koffie en chocolat
- Maarten Decombel: mandola (1), guitar (2)
- Gregory Jolivet: hurdy gurdy (veille, draailier) (1,4,10)
- Jokke Schreurs: guitar (8)
- Philip Masure: guitar (5)
- Walter Mertens: marimba (3,12)


26 Kasım 2010

Jethro Tull - Songs From The Wood

From in UK
Prog Folk
Jethro Tull - Songs From The Wood - 1977
01. Songs From The Wood (4:55)
02. Jack-In-The-Green (2:32)
03. Cup Of Wonder (4:34)
04. Hunting Girl (5:13)
05. Ring Out, Solstice Bells (3:47)
06. Velvet Green (6:05)
07. The Whistler (3:31)
08. Pibroch (Cap In Hand) (8:38)
09. Fire At Midnight (2:27)
Total Time: 41:42
- Ian Anderson / flute, acoustic guitar, mandolin, whistles, vocals, all instruments on track 2
- Martin Barre / electric guitar, lute
- Barriemore Barlow / drums, marimba, glockenspiel, bells, nacres, tabor
- John Glascock / bass, vocals
- John Evan / piano, organ, synthesizers
- David Palmer / piano, portative organ, synthesizers

08 Kasım 2010

Los Jaivas - Obras Cumbres

 En 1963, los hermanos Eduardo, Claudio y Gabriel Parra fundan, junto a Eduardo "Gato" Alquinta y Mario Mutis, el grupo musical Los HIGH BASS.

From in Chile
Progressive Folk Rock
Los Jaivas - Obras Cumbres - 2003
01. Foto de Primera Comunión (6:31)
02. Todos Juntos 5:44)
03. Mira Niñita (6:51)
04. Quebrá del Ají (4:37)
05. Tema de los Títulos (3:53)
06. Donde Estabas Tú (2:43)
07. Centinela (4:15)
08. Ta Bom Ta Que Ta (5:32)
09. Pregón Para Iluminarse (5:14)
10. La Conquistada (7:05)
11. La Vida Mágica ¡ay sí! (3:25)
12. Canción del Sur (7:38)
13. Frescura Antigua (3:11)
14. Antigua América (5:36)
01. Sube a Nacer Conmigo Hermano (4:46)
02. Aconcagua (3:36)
03. Mambo de Machaguay (4:52)
04. Violeta Ausente (5:06)
05. Run-Run de Fue Pa'l Norte (5:09)
06. Si Tú No Estás (3:44)
07. Pájaro Errante (4:13)
08. Hijos de la Tierra (4:53)
09. El Tren a Paysandú (4:28)
10. Litoraleña (7:40)
11. Mamalluca (3:31)
12. El Tambo (4:49)
13. Arrebol (6:46)
14. Todos Americanos (4:53)
15. Un Mar de Gente (3:53)

31 Ekim 2010

Jethro Tull - Nothing Is Easy: Live At The Isle Of Wight

From in UK
Progressive Folk Rock
Jethro Tull - Nothing Is Easy: Live At The Isle Of Wight 1970
01. My Sunday Feeling (5:20)
02. My God (7:30)
03. With You There To Help Me (9:58)
04. To Cry You A Song (5:40)
05. Bourée (4:34)
06. Dharma For One (10:10)
07. Nothing Is Easy (5:36)
08. Medley: We Used To Know/For A Thousand Mothers (10:37)
Total Time: 58:05

- Ian Anderson / acoustic guitar, flute, vocals
- Martin Barre / guitars
- Clive Bunker / drums
- Glen Cornick / bass
- John Evan / keyboards