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The John Butler Trio etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
The John Butler Trio etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

19 Mart 2011

The John Butler Trio - One Small Step

The John Butler Trio are an Australian folk/roots/rock band, whose freeform jamming style, which absorbs a number of traditional music styles, has built them strong reputation as live performers.
Born in US, Butler moved to Australia as a youth, where he learned to play guitar. He divided his university time between music and studies, with the former gradually taking more time until he gave up his studies completely. A self-recorded demo secured him a slot in a bar, where he polished his technique. He was joined by a drummer and a bassist for his debut John Butler, but his break came when their next release, an EP, was picked up by Australian radio station Triple J. who gave heavy play to "Pickapart".
Performing as the John Butler Trio they released their next album, Three, which made a big impact on the alternative charts. It stayed there for nine months and won them the Australian Record Industry Award for Best Independent Release.
Touring in the US, the band played at the Bonneroo and other festival events and joined with the Dave Mathews Band. They prefer playing live, improvising and jamming around their tracks, their live performance, captured on Living 2001 -2002 went platinum in their homeland. They have had crossover success i9n the form of the Grand Nationalalbum, which got to No.11 on the Billboard charts.
From in Australia
Folk Rock
The John Butler Trio - One Small Step - 2009
01. Used to Get High    
02. Treat Yo Mama    
03. Daniella    
04. Ocean    
05. Better Than
06. Zebra
07. Fire in the Sky
08. Funky Tonight