Dear Proggers

I don't write or make something on this blog anymore. I starting a new blog. But there's no share about some albums, just writing. If you wants you can follow my new blog. Already greatings.

Bu Blogda Ara

24 Mart 2009

Brightblack Morning Light - Motion To Rejoin

From in UK
Progressive Folk Rock
Brightblack Morning Light - Motion To Rejoin - 2008
01. Introduction (0.42)
02. Hologram Buffalo (5.18)
03. Gathered Years (8.00)
04. Oppressions Each (3.26)
05. Another Reclaimation (7.05)
06. A Rainbow Aims (9.46)
07. Summer Hoof (5.27)
08. Past A Weatherbeaten Fencepost (6.45)
09. When Beads Spell Power Leaf (2.42)

Total Time. 49.16
- Stuart Bogie / Clarinet, Saxophone
- Naybob Shineywater - Guitar, Vibraphone, Clavinet, Electronics (Maestro Tape), Vocals,
- Matt Henry Cunitz / Organ (Pump Organ), Mellotron, Keyboards (Orchestron), Celesta (Celeste)
- Otto Hauser / Percussion
- Rachael Hughes / Piano, Vibraphone, Vocals
- Matthew Davis / Trombone (4)
- Ann McCrary , Regina McCrary / Vocals (Harmony Singing)
- Jessica Ruffins / Bass (3)
- Windy Dankoff /   Flute (3)
- Lectric Meara O'Reilly / Vocals (6)

Mammatus - Mammatus

From in USA
Psychedelic / Space Rock
Mammatus - Mammatus - 2006
01. The Righteous Path Through The Forest Of Old (9:23)
02. The Outer Rim (5:09)
03. Dragon Of The Deep, Pt. 1 (8:23)
04. Dragon Of The Deep, Pt. 2 (22:12)
Total time: 45:08
- Nicky / guitar, vocals
- Chris / bass
- Mike / guitar
- Aaron / drums

21 Mart 2009

Sebkha-Chott - Nagah Mahdi – Opuscrits En 48 Roule

Sebkha-Chott - Nagah Mahdi – Opuscrits En 48 Roule
"Sustained by a music oscillating between Frank Zappa and Magma, Mr Bungle and Fantômas, between 70's prog and 21st century's extrem metal, the story - the prank should I better say - of a dictatorship based on Mekanik Metal Disco's vinyls production and the aversion of the mustache. A crazy and resourceful tale, lead by those 8 notorious raving mad haunting the stage and setting fire to the audience with their enormous energy and their scathing, cynical and out of boundaries sense of humour[...]"
From in France
Rio / Avant-Progressive Rock
Sebkha-Chott - Nagah Mahdi – Opuscrits En 48 Roule - 2006
01. Boum Boum Yüla ! (0:35)
02. Valdez Retro Maldito Seveso (1:43)
03. Ruben With The pippermint (0:25)
04. La Complainte D'Yvette H. (1:44)
05. Alchamie Malhabile (1:11)
06. L'Âge Du Cuivre (1:15)
07. Furtive (0:05)
08. Bossa 'Na Bossa (0:46)
09. Préavis De Grève (0:25)
10. La Procession Des Imbéciles (2:44)
11. Un Autre Chemin Que La Violence ? (2:00)
12. Lâche Cette Cuillère !!! (0:30)
13. La Routine Habituelle (Les Gaugau... Les Gaugau... Les Gaulois !!!) (1:04)
14. Nice Trap (1:33)
15. Café La Main Verte (1:14)
16. Sombre Gloire (1:25)
17. : Wagadey Wagadey Wagadey Wagadey Wagadey Woy Heeeee :Woille Hey (0:23)
18. Pour Quelques Mollards De Plus (1:30)
19. Hymen (2:02)
20. Sensual Lips And Magic Tricks (2:08)
21. Menstrual Fix And Phallic Sticks (0:53)
22. Fils-Phoque Au Gingembre (1:18)
23. Olé ! (1:07)
24. All Blacks (0:39)
25. Mrs Râ Et Amon Aclack Ont Une Fille À Tête De Chat? (0:07)
26. Illusions (1:47)
27. Salle D'Attente - Pasteurisation (1:20)
28. Confrérie De L'Intox (1:58)
29. Choc Post-Opératoire (1:12)
30. Ferme Les Yeux, Tu Vas Tacher Tes Lunettes ! (1:09)
31. J'Ai Éjaculé Une Boîte De Mouchoirs ! (1:03)
32. De Saint Calais À Bétlehem En Trafic (0:42)
33. Le Tupperware De La Mer Morte (1:32)
34. Agrabah (1:03)
35. VaGoDor Deu Sahpun (Introduction Au Rastafarï Vénusien Albinos) (1:53)
36. L'Harmonie Est-Elle Municipale? (Thèse - Antithèse - Synthèse) (1:23)
37. Méchoui (0:35)
38. Mais Qui A Laissé Cramer Le Chameau? (1:13)
39. Voodoo Break (0:45)
40. N'y Va Pas, Tante Mireille ! (0:29)
41. Ode Létale (2:05)
42. Near Death Exercise (1:57)
43. Goat Of Rahahaaz Vs Mustach'Man (1:07)
44. Enlève Ton Pied De Ma Chaussure, Pablo ! (0:12)
45. Soul Coït (12:50)
46. 1'29" À Peine (inspired by John Cage's 4'33") (1:29)
47. Ma Lamborghini Tato (II) (1:02)
48. Le Cirque Des Enfers (Yüla T'Informe) (0:58)
- Yüla Slipovitch / drums, glockenspiel, big cowbell, vibraslap, shoutings
- Wladimir Ohrelianov II / bass, little cowbell, hip hop, drunk-hunting songs, shoutings, snaps, guitars
- Tzom Trümb / trombone, drunk-hunting songs
- Pr Siphon Trounezöhle / machines, Ratzgado guitar, shoutings
- Hrabe (Black) Sebbath / vocals
- Comtesse Gnania Del Amafia / vocals
- Capt'ain Roses / guitars, shoutings
- Alter Frabrovitch / keyboards, clarinet
- Zornberguette / tap dance
- VaGoDor Deu Sahpun / baritone saxophone
- Labial Aerostick / alto saxophone
- P.A.Squale Del Amafia / soprano saxophone
- Nain Nain / trumpet
- Mustach'Man / vocals
- Julios Lefranc-Gaulois Kaïser / percussions
- Grümse / gromulus
- Genbaku Orchestra / directed improvisation
- Goat of Rahahaaz / vocals
- David Rabillet / cajon
- DJ Guilty / turntables
- Cristobal Del Amafia / trumpet
- Benoît Popol II / keyboards, snaps
- Amaël / black metal vocals