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18 Kasım 2010

Jean-Claude Vannier - L'enfant assassin des mouches

From in France
Eclectic Progressive Rock
Jean-Claude Vannier - L'enfant assassin des mouches - 1972
01. L'enfant la mouche et les allumettes (4:22)
02. L'enfant au royaume des mouches (3:57)
03. Danse des mouches noires gardes du roi (3:20)
04. Danse de l'enfant et du roi des mouches (2:52)
05. Le roi des mouches et la confiture de rouse (6:28)
06. L'enfant assassin des mouches (1:52)
07. Les gardes volent au secours du roi (6:55)
08. Mort du roi des mouches (3:29)
09. Pattes de mouches (0:51)
10. Le papier tue-Enfant (2:44)
11. Petite agonie de l'enfant assassin (0:31)
Total Time: 37:21
12. Je M'Appelle Geraldine (Mid-Tempo) (1:29)
13. Je M'Appelle Geraldine (Up-Tempo) (1:20)
Total Time including bonus tracks: 40:10
- Claude Engel / guitar
- Denys Lable / guitar
- Raymond Gimenez / guitars
- Tonio Rubio / guitar
- Pierre-Alain Dahan / drums
- Jean-Pierre Sabar / piano
- Jean-Claude Vannier / piano, little piano, harpsichord, bombard, flute, recorder, bells
- Marc Chantereau / percussion
- Michel Zanlonghi / percussion
- Jean-Louis Chautemps /soprano saxophone
- Philipe Mathe /soprano saxophone
- Marc Steckar / trombone, tuba
- Marcel Azzola / accordion
- Pierre Llinares / bugle
- Jean and Ginette Gaunet, Pierre Llinares, and Hubert Varon / string quartet
- Louis Martini / choir director of the Choir of Young Musicians of France
- Jean Gaunet / rule strings (note: questionable translation to English)
- M. Pailleux / tuner
- all songs and compositions written, composed and arranged by Jean-Claude Vannier.

Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso - E Via

From in Italy
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso - E Via - 1985
01. Notte Kamikaze (4:20)
02. Ice Love (4:33)
03. Black Out (4:27)
04. (When We) Touched Our Eyes (5:08)
05. To The Fire (4:32)
06. Mexico City (4:00)
07. Lies In Your Eyes (4:23)
08. Baby Jane (3:22)
Total time: 35:25 
- Francesco Di Giacomo / vocals
 - Rodolfo Maltese / guitar, mandolin
 - Vittorio Nocenzi / keyboards, piano, vocals
 - Gabriel Amato / bass, vocals
 - Pierluigi Calderoni / drums
Guest musicians:
 - Gianni Nocenzi / keyboards (7)
 - Sandro Centofanti / programming, drum machines
 - Mino Chirivi / cello (6)
 - Fabio De Nido / contrabass (6)
 - Marco Zucarolli, Fabio Sinigaglia, Elga Paoli, Rita Chiapelli, Simona Perone / backing vocals (4)
 - Alessandro and Michela Giunta / voices (8)

17 Kasım 2010

Tonic - This Way

For the late date, this has a remarkably sophisticated sound – similar more to the classic early 1970s Italian prog scene, than anything typically associated with German rock. Complete with choir mellotron, organ, bells, speedy guitar solos, flute, sax and complex meters. When the vocals kick in, I'm reminded of Grobschnitt's "Rockpommel's Land" era. There's also a review on the excellent Planet Mellotron site for this very interesting one off.
From in Germany
Symphonic Progressive Rock
Tonic - This Way - 1980

01. Once  I Had a Dream (8.22)
02. Ask me No More (13.28)
03. Black Boy (5.45)
04. Sometimes (4.14)
05. This Way (4.19)
06. Against the fear of Death (5.52)
Total Time. 
Members. 42.00
- Michael Draskowitsch (saxophones, clarinet) 
- Michael Hocker (drums)
- Uwe Murschel (keyboards, trumpet, vocals) 
- Andreas Taßlack (vocals, bass, metallophone, guitar)
- Roland Schmid (guitar, bass) 
- Andreas Stelzer (keyboards, vocals) 
- Johannes Wenzerrit (guitar, bass)